Now that my heart has stopped aching I feel as though I can write my review for this book. I bought this a few months ago and left it on the shelf until I felt that I could cope with it. Once I started to read I could not put it down. If you read the blurb you will realise that the book is about a list created by a Mother who was sadly dying from cancer. The story is told by Singe the husband of Kate who the book is about. Singe does not hold back and as a reader I felt as though I was travelling with this brave and remarkable man. The book is raw and my heart ached for all discussed in the book. I don't usually read books like this (as you know I like my rom coms) but I think this is a must for almost everyone as it makes you think about life and how to live it. My highest praise for St. John Greene.
Who is it for: EVERYONE (but if you have had a bereavemeent, especially recently you may want to wait until you are 'ready').
Score: 10